Thank you for aquiring KanjiMaster. This is a HyperCard stack that teaches kanji, the most difficult of the three Japanese writing systems. There are over 10,000 Kanji in existence. In this stack, however, I provide some of the most common ones. These kanji have been culled from my own notes from my two years of taking Japanese, of which one year (Japanese II) was over the STEP/Star satellite education program, based out of Spokane, WA, USA.
There are currently three stacks my Japanese teaching suite: KanjiMaster, VerbMaster, and JapFlash. VerbMaster covers verbs and conjugation, while JapFlash covers all other parts of speech, including nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and relationals.
I hope to soon release KanaMaster, which will teach hiragana and katakana (the other two writing systems), and GrammarMaster, which will cover grammer. I have no idea on when I will release these two, as they will be the most difficult to prepare.
The registration fee is $5.00 US. Rergistered user will receive the latest versions of all five stacks. If not all five exist yet when you register, they will be sent to you as soon as I do develop them at no additional charge.
For those of you of who live outside the United States, in lieu of the $5.00, simply send me some coins and/or paper money from your country so that I can add them to my collection (don't worry about their value or the exchange rates). Thanks!!
Here's my address:
Jassen Bowman
36625 S.E. Yocum Loop
Sandy, OR 97055-9227
Phone: (503) 668-3434
I hope that you enjoy learning Japanese as much as I did. Sayonara!!